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Dental Services Provided

  • Space Maintenance
  • Crowns
  • Full Dentures
  • Partial Dentures
  • Implants
  • Bridges
  • Custom Bleaching Trays
  • Custom Occlusal Guards (night guards)
  • Clear Aligners
  • Child Prophylaxis (cleaning)
  • Adult Prophylaxis
  • Periodontal Evaluations and Maintenance
  • Scaling and Root Planing
  • Extractions
  • Root Canal Treatments
  • Composite Restorations (white fillings)
  • Amalgam Restorations (silver fillings)
  • Teeth Cleaning
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Clear Teeth Aligners 

Everybody wants a great smile so straighten your teeth on your schedule! Clear Teeth Aligners are the perfect option for those who don't want to go the traditional route with wire bracket braces. Aligners are a series of tight-fitting custom-made mouthpieces that slip over the teeth. Johnston Family Dentistry is your experienced clear aligner provider. Contact our team today to learn more if this option would be best for you.

Benefits of Clear Teeth Aligners include:

  • Discreet: Clear teeth aligners are virtually invisible, so you can straighten your teeth without anyone noticing.
  • Comfortable: They are custom-made to fit your teeth comfortably.
  • Convenient: You can remove the aligners to eat, drink, and brush your teeth.
(919) 989-8805
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Dental Implants 

Dental implants allow for an artificial root to take the place of the natural tooth root. Implants can bond with your natural bone allowing a more study base for your crowns.

Benefits of Dental Implants include:

  • Improved chewing function: Dental implants are anchored in the jawbone, just like natural teeth. This provides a stable foundation for chewing, which can be difficult with dentures or bridges.
  • Natural appearance: Dental implants are designed to look and function just like natural teeth. The crown (the visible part of the implant) is custom-made to match the color, size, and shape of your surrounding teeth.
  • Durability: Dental implants are made of titanium, which is a very strong material. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.
  • Prevents bone loss: When you lose a tooth, the jawbone begins to deteriorate. Dental implants help to stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone loss.
  • Improved speech: Dentures can sometimes slip and slide, which can affect your speech. Dental implants are stable and secure, so you won't have to worry about your speech being affected.
  • Improved self-confidence: Dental implants can give you back your smile and improve your self-confidence.
(919) 989-8805
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We Fix Broken/Missing Teeth!

If you have a broken or missing tooth, schedule an appointment today with Dr. Fraser. He can go over the different options that would be best for your personal situation. 

Here are some helpful explanations of Dental Care

What is a dental sealant?
A sealant is a preventive treatment usually recommended for the molars of children. These are "painted" on the teeth without the need for anesthesia to help prevent cavities from forming on the chewing surfaces.

What is a dry socket?
A dry socket results from a disruption in the healing process and failure of a proper clot to remain on the alveolar bone. Anything that creates negative pressure in the mouth (smoking, spitting, and use of straws) puts a patient at greater risk of having a dry socket. Pain from a dry socket can be severe and last several days. If you think you have a dry socket please contact our office. Sometimes a sedative dressing can be placed to soothe the extraction site.

Why do I need an x-ray?
X-rays are needed to make a formal diagnosis of the tooth, to determine restorability, and to visualize the structure of the root. An x-ray is required before almost all procedures.

At what age do you start seeing children?
We will see children of any age. Many children are unable to fully cooperate until age 3. When children are not able to cooperate for a regular child prophylaxis a toothbrush prophylaxis may be done and a simple introduction to office staff and equipment. This can make children more comfortable for subsequent dental appointments. We never restrain children. If they are unable to cooperate for treatment they will be referred to a pediatric specialist.

Can I receive dental treatment if I am pregnant?
Yes. Emergency treatment can be provided at any time during a pregnancy with clearance from your OB/GYN. It is recommended that you have a cleaning and a dental exam during your second trimester. The second trimester is the ideal time for any elective, non-emergency treatment.